Stage 1, Canada Learn Look Locate Ambassador
“After experiencing Breast Cancer, my main goal now is to raise awareness to others about breast cancer detection, and encourage women to share their stories of diagnosis, treatment and healing so they know that they are not alone in their journey.”
Instagram: @breathe_hot_yoga
Website: anewkindame.wordpress.com
It was the Monday of the March Break when I first noticed the lump.
“I looked at the mirror on Monday night and saw a little line that looked like an indent to my bra, and I followed it and there was a lump at the end.”
It was very random, I rarely do self-exams because I have no known family history so I always thought I was genetically safe.
Right away, I made an appointment with the doctor and then my journey started of multiple ultrasounds, mammograms and waiting by the phone for results. On April 2nd during this crazy pandemic, I was diagnosed with DCIS and invasive breast cancer.
I needed a mastectomy because the disease was extensive in my right breast.”
“After the surgery I was officially diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer.”
The type of cancer Rosie was diagnosed with is called DCIS.
Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer during Covid-19 has been both a curse and a blessing because you are forced to face your worst fears alone and you come out stronger than you ever thought you would.
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