LGBTQ+ and Breast Cancer: Embracing Diversity in Breast Cancer Awareness
Dive deep into the unique experiences of the LGBTQ+ community, shedding light on challenges, disparities, and the pressing need for inclusive healthcare in the world of breast cancer awareness with Dr. Maryam Lustberg, Director of the Center for Breast Cancer at Smilow Cancer Center and Yale Cancer Center and Medical Advisor for Learn Look Locate.
Breast Cancer Awareness: Broadening the Pinktober Horizon
Breast cancer awareness month is often a campaign painted in pink and frills. Although October is an important month for fundraising and awareness, it has often been geared toward the majority of breast cancer survivors who are white and heterosexual with early-stage disease. There have been multiple groups that have felt excluded from Pinktober including members of the LGBQT+ community.