"My joy is giving the patient a complete understanding of the role of radiation oncology in the treatment of cancer. That knowledge is powerful and pays forward as my patients can teach others."

- Ramji Rajendran MD, PhD
Radiation Oncologist


I was very nervous about my radiation treatment. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I knew that this was a very important step towards ensuring all cancer cells would be gone. The anxiety of the unknown was overwhelming to me. I am honored to have Learn Look Locate Medical Advisor, Ramji Rajendran MD PhD, Radiation Oncologist dedicate his expertise and knowledge to empower you about your upcoming radiation treatment. We both hope you find this page to be comforting and a great resource.

xxoo, Cynthia

Meet the Radiation Team

Radiation oncologists are the doctors who will oversee your radiation therapy treatments. These physicians work with the other members of the radiation therapy team to develop your treatment plan and ensure that each treatment is given accurately. Your radiation oncologist will also monitor your progress and adjust the treatment as necessary to make sure the radiation is hitting its target while minimizing side effects. Before, during and after your radiation therapy treatments, your radiation oncologist works closely with other cancer doctors, such as medical oncologists and surgeons, to maximize the radiation’s effectiveness. Radiation oncologists have completed at least four years of college, four years of medical school, one year of general medical training, and four years of residency or specialty training in radiation oncology. They have extensive training in cancer medicine and the safe use of radiation to treat disease. If they pass a special examination, they are certified by the American Board of Radiology. You should ask if your doctor is board certified.