Gina’s Story: Thriving with Metastatic Breast Cancer


My Perspective – How One Cancer Thriver Copes with Metastatic Disease

Meet Gina

I’m Gina, I’m 38, a mother of one, and I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I am ER/PR -, HER 2 +. I was originally diagnosed as stage 2A in 2018 and then quickly progressed to stage 4 in 2018, as I was thought to be finished treatment, though I was probably mistaged and further along than originally thought. I switched institutions and I am currently on targeted therapy indefinitely.

Instagram: @‌g_to_the_elle


Gina’s Approach to Life with Cancer

At first glance, my prognosis can look bleak, but I have realized many things in my experience so far and I use a combination of techniques to maintain an overall positive outlook. Firstly, I am happy to say that I’ve met and chatted with many women who are thriving with metastatic breast cancer that have been living for years and years. Knowing that many people out there like that exist has really empowered me. It helps me to know that it is definitely possible to keep going and have a relatively normal, fulfilling life because it has proven to be accomplished. Being educated on this important information made me choose to view my disease as a chronic condition, not unlike asthma (which I also have) that will need to be managed for the rest of my life, but will still give me life and allow me to move forward. This idea has changed my outlook for the better and forced me to look at the bigger picture.

I take the approach that everything is “figureoutable.” If a problem arises, I am determined that it can be figured out with my medical care team. I also choose not to listen to “scary cancer stories,” and block out worrisome information, but only focus on helpful information, like new improvements and medications released to the cancer community. I try to live my life focused on my family and friends and the things that make me happy, even the little things – even things that might be considered frivolous – but bring me joy because it is more worth it to seek pleasure and make things less stressful because stress lowers immunity and can affect the health. You are worth it and deserve to be as happy as possible.

I accept that I am not perfect and I am going to have ups and downs and bad days, but that things will eventually get better. Overall, I realize that there are many others out there that have it much worse than me, and my situation is nothing compared to what others are experiencing so I count my blessings for what I do have and what I am able to do.

I know that cancer is very personal, and every situation is different. This is just my own personal views and experience, but I hope that this may help others cope with their diagnoses.

Connecting with Gina

To learn more about my cancer journey and what helps me, please follow me on Instagram @‌g_to_the_elle. I also have a cancer journey blog that is linked in my profile bio. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Treatment Options That Helped Me

What is Phesgo?

Phesgo® is a treatment for HER2+ breast cancer that allows the patient to receive one injection of Perjeta and Herceptin into the thigh subcutaneously once every three weeks. The treatment manages the HER2+ breast cancer from becoming active and prevents it from spreading.

Have You Considered Proton Therapy? What is It?

Proton therapy is a type of radiation using protons instead of photons. According to Mayo Clinic, “Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy — a treatment that uses high-energy beams to treat tumors. Radiation therapy using X-rays has long been used to treat cancers and noncancerous (benign) tumors. Proton therapy is a newer type of radiation therapy that uses energy from positively charged particles called protons.”

MSKCC adds, “While proton therapy kills cancer cells through a process similar to that used in conventional x-ray radiation — by damaging their DNA. However, because of the unique physical properties of protons, doctors are able to deliver radiation to a specific depth in the body. With proton therapy, all energy has been released by the time it reaches the tumor site, so there is no dose beyond that point. This can help to reduce side effects.”

What is Heat Therapy in Conjunction with Proton Therapy?

Heat therapy is where your doctor heats the area of treatment to a certain therapeutic temperature using a water-filled bulbous before or after your proton therapy, which allows the protons to better penetrate the area, making the treatment even more effective.

Let me know if you have any questions and if you are interested in any of these procedures, please consult with your doctor.

A Message from Learn Look Locate

At Learn Look Locate, Gina’s courageous battle against breast cancer touches our hearts deeply. We are honored to share her story, offering a platform for survivors to come together, learn, and find solace in one another’s experiences. Through our diverse range of resources including Gina’s survivor narrative, our mission is to empower individuals at every phase of their cancer journey. We proudly stand by Gina and all those who demonstrate remarkable courage, celebrating their strength and reminding the world that hope shines brightest, even amidst life’s greatest trials.

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