
Stage 3, Pennsylvania

“My name is Jamelle Singleton. I am currently fighting Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I have been married for 5 years and I have 3 kids, 1 daughter and 2 bonus children! My husband is a teacher and I work for Cigna.⁠”

My cancer journey started as a caregiver for my mother. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in May 2019. 3 months later she passed away in August 2020. Then and my grandmother passed away 5 months later in January of 2020. ⁠

A month later I started to have pain in my left breast and then noticed a small amount of blood coming from my nipple. I went to the doctor who ordered a mammogram and biopsy. I was then officially diagnosed me with Stage 3 breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes in my armpit. My cancer is HER2 Positive and weakly positive for estrogen and progesterone.

I completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy in September 2020, had a bilateral mastectomy in October 2020 and just finished 20 rounds of radiation a few weeks ago in early 2021. 8 months into my journey I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am finishing up my HER2 Antibody treatments, I will be having my breast reconstruction surgery later this year and I will be on Hormone Therapy for the next 10 years. ⁠

The good news is that all of my treatments this far have been successful and I’ve been pushing through! This has been a long journey and I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without my family, friends and support groups! I am truly blessed to be able to be here to tell you all my story!

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