Ron Israeli
MD, Plastic Surgeon
Ron Israeli, M.D. is a nationally recognized expert in breast reconstruction and a founding partner of NYBRA Plastic Surgery.
“Learn Look Locate provides fantastic tools and resources to put patients in control from day one. The organization’s emphasis on understanding early breast cancer risk creates a pathway for patients to use the information to make informed decisions. Patients who know more do not just make better choices—they are more confident in those choices. That confidence does wonders in terms of recovery.”
– Ron Israeli, M.D.
Ron Israeli, M.D. is a nationally recognized expert in breast reconstruction and a founding partner of NYBRA Plastic Surgery. For his leadership in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, Dr. Israeli was honored by the American Cancer Society with their 2007 Physician of Distinction Award.
Dr. Israeli is co-founder of BreastReconstruction.org, a comprehensive web resource for women facing mastectomy. He has lectured at national conferences and has written multiple articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Israeli has also written textbook and atlas chapters on breast and abdominal wall reconstruction.
Website: nybra.com
Instagram: @dr.ronisraeli
Facebook: @dr.ronisraeli
How many procedures will I need for my breast reconstruction?
For most patients, achieving the best possible outcome in breast reconstruction will usually require more than one surgery. As such, I tell patients that come to see me in consultation that the nature of breast reconstruction is typically staged.
The number of stages required to complete your breast reconstruction is variable depending on a number of factors. These include the type and quality of the mastectomy. For nipple-sparing mastectomies, a “one-step” approach to breast reconstruction may be possible, however secondary minor procedures may be desired. Additional factors that contribute to the number of stages required include the type of breast reconstruction approach chosen, and individual patient expectations. It is not unusual for patients to decide to have two or three secondary revision procedures after their initial breast reconstruction has healed.
At the time of the secondary stages of breast reconstruction, the final breast contour may be finalized, enhancing the quality of the aesthetic appearance created during the initial reconstructive procedure. If needed, nipple reconstruction may be accomplished at the time of any secondary revision surgery. Most staged revision procedures are done as outpatient surgery with an easier recovery than the original mastectomy and breast reconstruction.
It is important that an individualized approach is used for every patient. In order to best understand your options, you should see a plastic surgeon experienced in the full range of immediate and secondary breast reconstruction approaches.
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