Do you need chemo?
What is your chance of breast cancer recurrence?

Thanks to Learn Look Locate ‘s Medical Advisor, Charles Weaver, Medical Oncologist, for providing this important information for the upcoming launch of Learn Look Locate ‘s new page that will provide the latest esearch and advances being made with breast cancer.

by Dr. C.H. Weaver M.D. Updated 12/2022
About the Oncotype DX Test

The Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score test provides a #genomic -based, individualized risk assessment for invasive breast cancer that individuals can use to personalize a treatment plan. The Breast Recurrence Score test can predict the likely benefit of chemotherapy as well as the risk of distant recurrence. The test measures the expression of 21 genes: 16 cancer-related genes and five reference genes – in a tumor sample after it has been removed by surgery or biopsy.

Oncotype DX calculates a “recurrence score” between 0 and 100. The higher the score, the greater the chance the cancer will come back. Previous studies have found that #women with node negative ESBC and scores of 10 or lower did not need chemotherapy, while women with scores higher than 25 did benefit from chemotherapy. But for the large group of women with intermediate scores (11 to 25) the need for chemotherapy has been less clear.

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