Breast Cancer and Your Body – Friend or Foe?

What does that really mean : An ally or an enemy! A tough question we are all asking ourselves for those who are going through it, have gone through it and for any women n in general. Like it isn’t hard enough right? Staying fit, looking good, feeling good, having the right clothes and make up oh let’s not forget the shoes, the purse etc. and then BREAST CANCER comes along takes body parts from us that make us feel feminine, beautiful and fabulous. Yet, now we are forced to look at our bodies in a different way. We have to learn to respect the signals our bodies gave us or didn’t, but whispered to us, that we need to possibly slow down. We now have to WORK EXTRA hard on loving ourselves inside and out with this new normal, honestly like it wasn’t hard enough even before breast cancer.

Now some of us have parts of our bodies taken off or disappearing due to side effects in order to stay alive, hard to even comprehend it sometimes right? Wrapping our heads around this new acceptance of our bodies is beyond difficult, overwhelming and sometimes just unbelievable. Over time, I think acceptance and gratitude are the biggest allies for me to conquer this new normal. “Thank you”, “I’m sorry” and “I love you for getting me through this very difficult battle” are the new conversations that I think we should have with ourselves internally so that we can truly appreciate the NEW YOU, our bodies and whatever our precious life has in store for us.