
2X Survivor, Florida Learn Look Locate Ambassador

As a 2x cancer survivor it is vital that you follow-up and do your mammogram. Both times that’s what detected my cancer.

Instagram: @nikkana13

I never thought that cancer would reoccur, not only that I have no family history but it was also detected very early the first time which resulted in a lumpectomy and radiation. But here it is 8yrs later questioning why me again, but then why not me!!!!

My advice is to exam every choice including going flat. I didn’t and now having had complications (rejection of the implant on the right side) I now have to truly consider going flat.

I still have one more surgery to go and with God’s continued guidance I will be OK and I will continue to RISE. Cancer is just another hurdle in our lives and for me, I am stronger and better from it.⁠

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