Grade 2, United Kingdom
“When going through Chemo most people dread the thought of loosing their hair.”
As much as I didn’t relish the though of being a baldy it didn’t really bother me. I wanted to take control, and after my first chemo I shaved it off. I never wanted a wig and decided to embrace my new look, wearing headscarves, hats or just a naked head at times. I saved a fortune not going to the hairdresser’s!! Most people assume that after chemo your hair grows back thicker and curly.
Three years on and unfortunately that hasn’t been the case for me, my hair grows but is extremely thin and wispy and quite frankly I look like I have a comb over!! I have seen a seen a specialist, the hair follicles are still there and active but they just don’t want to play properly I have tried numerous products that were recommended, these did help my hair grow but still doesn’t thicken and my scalp is still visible.
I’m still open to trying different options to help it thicken but for now I have just got used to the fact it’s not growing as I’d have liked and I continue to keep it shaved very short. Instead of wigs I now have an obsession for head scarfs and my collection is growing rapidly!! I love wearing and styling different headscarves, it has become my signature look. I have turned my lack of hair into a positive and I love my look. The fact that I have my health and I am cancer free who needs hair!!! Please have a look at my IGTV for a few tutorials on how to tie different headscarves @tit_less_wonder