What is Aesthetic Flat Closure?

Did you know what this meant when you were diagnosed? Do you really know that this is a valid healthy option when facing a mastectomy? I am so honored to announce a brand new page on website as an extension of the Global Flatties page to help people truly understand more about this beautiful option.⁠⁠
I have been working with Kimberly Bowles, the Founder of Not Putting on a Shirt, a 501(3) organization advocating for optimal surgical outcomes for women who choose to go flat after mastectomy. I spent an hour interviewing Kimberly and asking her really important questions to help people truly understand this option and it is all on this new web page for women all over the world to listen to! ⁠

It was so wonderful and healing for me as well. Her work is incredible and I am so honored to be working with her to help raise awareness about this beautiful option. We need to work together to make the world realize that going flat after a mastectomy is beautiful! New page on website-under INSPIRE-Global Flatties- Aesthetic Flat Closure

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