March is Lymphedema Awareness Month
It is so important that we draw more education, awareness and attention to lymphedema not just this month but all the time so we can be empowered about this condition before surgery. There are ways to help prevent lymphedema and we will be highlighting important information about Lymphedema all month to educate and empower us.
For more about Lymphedema visit the EDUCATE tab under Lymphedema. Our medical advisor James Saviers has dedicated his time and expertise to help us learn more about prevention and how to cope with lymphedema.
What is Breast Cancer Related lymphedema (BCRL)?
Lymphedema occurs when there is an alteration of the lymphatic system resulting in an accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid is mostly made up of water, protein, bacteria, fatty acids, white blood cells, and foreign debris. Eventually the lymphatic system’s transport capacity, or maximum amount of lymph fluid that can be drained in a single day, is reached and the excess fluid begins to result in swelling of the extremity and possibly the corresponding trunk.
James Saviers has been practicing as an occupational therapist since 2007. For the past 11 years, he has specialized in lymphedema and is a lymphedema therapist certified by the Lymphology Association of North America. James graduated with his Bachelors of Science in Exercise Sports Science from the University of Tulsa in 2003 and his Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Oklahoma in 2007. James currently practices in Little Rock, Arkansas.
“I agree very strongly with the mission of Learn Look Locate because education in the early stages of breast cancer diagnosis can significantly reduce the risks of developing chronic conditions associated with breast cancer treatment, such as lymphedema and orthopedic issues.”
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