How did you find your cancer?

HOW did you find or see your breast cancer? Just think if we share our story with 5 friends we can help educate others to be more aware. Please share how you saw or found your breast cancer! Did you know the symptoms? The different types of breast cancer? I had no idea and thought maybe so many others don’t either! Please share this post so we can help touch the untouched so they know more than we did!

What are the types of breast cancer?

There are several different types of breast cancer, including:

Infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma. Starting in your milk ducts of your breast, this cancer breaks through the wall of your duct and spreads to surrounding breast tissue. Making up about 80% of all cases, this is the most common type of breast cancer.

Ductal carcinoma in situ. Also called Stage 0 breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ is considered by some to be precancerous because the cells haven’t spread beyond your milk ducts. This condition is very treatable. However, prompt care is necessary to prevent the cancer from becoming invasive and spreading to other tissues.

Infiltrating (invasive) lobular carcinoma. This cancer forms in the lobules of your breast (where breast milk production takes place) and has spread to surrounding breast tissue. It accounts for 10% to 15% of breast cancers.

Lobular carcinoma in situ is a precancerous condition in which there are abnormal cells in the lobules of your breast. It isn’t a true cancer, but this marker can indicate the potential for breast cancer later on. So, it’s important for women with lobular carcinoma in situ to have regular clinical breast exams and mammograms.

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Making up about 15% of all cases, triple negative breast cancer is one of the most challenging breast cancers to treat. It’s called triple negative because it doesn’t have three of the markers associated with other types of breast cancer. This makes prognosis and treatment difficult.

Inflammatory breast cancer. Rare and aggressive, this type of cancer resembles an infection. People with inflammatory breast cancer usually notice redness, swelling, pitting and dimpling of their breast skin. It’s caused by obstructive cancer cells in their skin’s lymph vessels.

Paget’s disease of the breast. This cancer affects the skin of your nipple and areola (the skin around your nipple).

Triple Positive

Can cancer form in other parts of the breast?

When we say “breast cancer,” we usually mean cancers that form in milk ducts or lobules. Cancers can also form in other parts of your breast, but these types of cancer are less common. These can include:

Angiosarcoma. This rare type of cancer begins in the cells that make up the lining of blood or lymph vessels.

Phyllodes tumors. Starting in the connective tissue, phyllodes tumors are rare. They’re usually benign (noncancerous), but they can be malignant (cancerous) in some cases.


What are the early signs of breast cancer?

Breast cancer symptoms can vary for each person. Possible signs of breast cancer include:

A change in the size, shape or contour of your breast.

A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea.

A lump or thickening in or near your breast or in your underarm that persists through your menstrual cycle.

A change in the look or feel of your skin on your breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered, scaly or inflamed).

Redness of your skin on your breast or nipple.

An area that’s distinctly different from any other area on either breast.

A marble-like hardened area under your skin.

A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from your nipple.

Some people don’t notice any signs of breast cancer at all. That’s why routine mammograms and are so important.

And….. self breast checks for women under 40 are so important! Know your normal, know what to look and feel for!