Being Alone

From Patti, one of my amazing bloggers: “When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was afraid. No that’s not right. I was scared sh#tless! But I made it my priority to educate and prepare myself as much as possible for what was about to happen to me….even though there were a lot of unknowns and no guarantees. I studied, researched and combed the internet for any information on breast cancer and mastectomies and I made sure that I avoided or edited any information that was NOT factual or was sensationalized. I avoided the writings and messages from the crazies that said things like my cancer could be healed with certain foods or minerals or even with a just some meditation. I made it my job to be informed, ask the right questions of the right people and to follow the advice of the experts…my oncologist and surgeons.⁠

Having cancer can feel very isolating. And being alone is not easy. In fact, it can really take its toll on people. Since my mastectomy and subsequent surgeries I have spent a lot of time by myself. There have been stretches of time where I wouldn’t see a single soul for a week or more at a time. No visitors. No contact. No one. You start to get in your head a lot when you have no interaction with anyone…and that can be dangerous. Depression and anxiety can manifest itself and escalate very rapidly if you are not “self aware.” —Patti⁠

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